Landini enable a new agricultural environment – 5 June 2021 World Environment Day

Reimagine. Recreate. Reshape. These are all challenges facing the agricultural sector globally. “We cannot turn back time to change some of the wrongs done in the past, but we can adjust our actions to protect natural ecosystems and make a difference to benefit future generations. At Argo Tractors we are ready to take these challenges head on,” says Juanita Pretorius, Distribution Development Manager of Argo Tractors South Africa.
In 1972 the United Nations established World Environment Day to encourage global awareness and action for the protection of the environment and in 2021, World Environment Day 2021 will focus on the revival of damaged eco systems.
Tractors have played an integral part in the advancements made in agriculture and in the production of food over the past century.
The Italian multinational tractor company, Argo Tractors, based in Fabbrico, places a great deal of emphasis on environmental sound practices in manufacturing but also in field operations. Healthy eco systems and sustainable agricultural practices have become increasingly important and the company has made substantial investments in their operations in this regard.
“Our advanced tractor technology has made vast inroads in the improvement of farming techniques through excellent and economic machine utilisation, reliability and durability. With our Landini tractors we realised that we not only need to develop new technologically advanced machinery and unlock new economic value for our customers so that they can become more profitable and sustainable, but that we also need to make sure that this does not happen to the detriment of the environment,” says Pretorius.
In production
Argo Tractors installed a Water Wall-system that dramatically cuts the amounts of oils used in the production process in their production facility in Fabbrico. The regeneration process removes foreign oils and prevents the development of oil mists to keep the workplace healthy and safe and reduce the amount of cooling lubricants that need to be disposed of.
This system requires no chemical additives and recovers and regenerates the emulsion used when milling and drilling the various cast-iron and steel component parts for Landini tractors. The cooling lubricant flowing in a closed-loop piping system is first used in the machining centres and then conveyed into settling tanks where the metal filings from the machining processes are removed. Finally, the same system decontaminates the fluid removing any fungi or bacteria that may have grown in the different systems. When the treatment is complete, the fluid is recirculated back into the piping system.
The emulsion is 95% water; the rest is semi-synthetic oil. It is a lubricant that must be treated as spent fluid and disposed of at the end of the process. Oil is regenerated continually and is changed only twice a year thanks to this system. Due to the use of this system, nearly 400 thousand litres of emulsion are recovered every year and the lessen the environmental impact and footprint of the manufacturing processes substantially.
On farm
Apart from bringing the newest technologies and developments in the tractor industry to farmers, one of Argo’s top objectives is also to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption per ton of production.
Tractors are typically designed with powerful engines to run over rough terrain and pull heavy loads, and cast-iron front axles were added for extra strength and durability. The latest tractor models offer many advantages and feature powershift transmissions and hydrostatic transmission to simplify operation.
Precision farming technologies help farmers to optimise resources and consumption and limit the impact on the environment. This results in fuel savings, less soil compaction, and eliminates the waste of fertilisers and herbicides.
The Landini Serie 7 has been designed to operate in a variety of conditions with heavy power-demanding implements. The tractors are equipped with Dual Power systems that automatically increases the power available when the PTO is operational. This enables the engine to maintain constant power as the load varies, allowing optimum use of the PTO for enhanced tractor performance and productivity.
In addition, the tier 3A Beta Power Fuel Efficiency engines of the new Serie 7 are built to meet emissions standards without sacrificing performance.
“Landini’s precision steering management technology compliments satellite guidance systems. It was designed especially for farmers practising precision farming techniques and delivers up to 2 cm accuracy with RTK guidance system, making it ideal for field applications,” says Juanita.
Greater accuracy means lower cost per worked unit area. The Eazysteer quick steering system with dynamic management is supplied in conjunction with the satellite guidance system and allows the tractor to make a complete turn by turning the steering wheel about one full revolution. This avoids multiple turns of the steering wheel, thereby improving the ride comfort and optimising the working time.
Landini tractors always endeavour to identify the most advanced solutions to meet the new needs of farmers in an environmentally respectful and sustainable manner.
More about Argo Tractors: Argo Tractors is an important industrial Group family owned that designs, produces and markets tractors, services and parts worldwide, which encompass a technological portfolio of brands that have set important milestones in agricultural mechanisation.